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May 4, 2017

New SAT: The Question-and-Answer Service is Switching from January to March

Because the College Board added a new August SAT test date and removed the January date, the Question-and-Answer Service (QAS) is now being offered in March instead of January.

This change hasn't been formally announced, but it's noted in the new SAT Registration Terms and Conditions:
Those interested in taking the SAT for reasons other than its intended purposes may only test in administrations where the SAT form is disclosed after the test, including:
The October, March, and May administrations in the U.S. and Canada.
The May administration internationally.
I verified this information by attempting to sign up for all of the available SAT test dates over the coming year. Only the October, March, and May dates offer QAS. The rest give me the Student Answer Service (SAS) option.

The QAS is an $18 option you can add on to your SAT registration for three test dates per year (currently March, May, and October). If you purchase it, the College Board will send you a copy of the test questions along with a list of which questions you got right and wrong, much like it does for the PSAT. This doesn't happen until two months after scores are released.

If you sign up for a test date when QAS isn't available, you'll be offered the $13.50 SAS instead, which provides you with a report with the question numbers you got right and wrong but without the booklet of test questions.

Since you don't receive any information from the QAS until several months after you take the SAT, you'll get more benefit from taking a practice test at home. Don't put yourself through the stress of taking the SAT until you've studied and you're sure you're ready!

This is could happen to you if you take the SAT too early. (The probability isn't zero!)

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